ClassName: artist
Features: 1 user 250 Artworks 10 GB disk space Unlimited Artists QR code Incorporated gallery website Location Clients Automatic cloud backup Automatic system updates
Edition: 1
Badge text: FREE TRIAL for 90 days available
Button text: Sign up
Button link: /sign-up#artist
Users: [[USERS]]
Artworks: [[ARTWORKS]]
Disk space (i MB): [[MB]]
Artists/Collectors: Unlimited
Incorporated webpage: Yes
Locations: Yes
Automatic cloud backup: Yes
Automatic system updates: Yes
Monthly payment: [[PRICE]]

ARTPILOT artist edition provides you with the opportunity to engage professionally with your clients. You can access and display your artwork through this cloudbased software - available on all devices as long as you have an internet connection. 

Artist/Collectors edition includes a gallery website which can be used as a showcase for your artwork. Style your website with your brand colors and incorporate your own logo. Find and group your artwork by tagging them with keyword descriptions. Create personal categories in order to organize your artwork quick and easily.

Are you doing business with galleries across the globe? We make it easy for you to keep track of your artwork.  We simplify the management process – so you can concentrate on creating art.